

Press conference presenting the project «Rural Women Entrepreneurs»

– Creating a virtual environment in which women entrepreneurs can exchange experiences and receive training and information on entrepreneurship, care for elderly people and civic and social skills.

Study on: the needs of the aging population in rural areas, the interest of rural women in self-employment and business creation and training needs (business and technical) to improve the professional skills of women, in rural areas, with entrepreneurial spirit. The project findings are available by clicking on CONCLUSIONES_mujer_rural (spanish).

Free training activities aimed at rural women with entrepreneurial spirit. The courses «Care and needs for dependent elderly people «, «Social and civic skills» and «Entrepreneurship» are being carried out in the provinces of Ciudad Real, Murcia and La Rioja. More information in the sections about home help courses and entrepreneurial courses.

Performing a working day on entrepreneurship in the field of care for elderly and / or dependents. The working day in which have participated women in the provinces of Murcia, La Rioja, Alicante and Ciudad Real took place in Ciudad Real on 5 October. More information in the sections of home-help courses and courses for entrepreneurs and on the blog.

– Press conference on results of the project «Rural Women Entrepreneurs»

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