– Study. By clicking on the image you can access the findings about the initial situation obtained after the analysis of data in Murcia, La Rioja and Ciudad Real.
– Creation of the virtual platform With contents in Spanish and English, this virtual platform has tried to encourage motivation and skills of rural women, with the aim of providing tools that generate self-employment or companies involved in home help to aged people in situations of dependency. Browse through the site showing the contents and achieved results.
– System Information-training, advice and support to rural women, accompanied by a development program based on training. 110 women have benefited directly from this system of information-training, receiving training in entrepreneurship, social and civic competences and care and needs of elderly dependents. More information in the sections of home-help courses and courses for entrepreneurs.
–Development of a discussion group with women entrepreneurs in rural areas. The working conference was held in Ciudad Real on 5 October, attending women from the different autonomous communities involved in the project. More information in the sections of home-help courses and courses for entrepreneurs and on the blog.
–Dissemination and presence in media. The project is coming to your home thanks to the dissemination by the press, radio and television. Here are a few examples: